Thai Massage for Lower Back Condition
Lower back pain is one of the most common symptoms today. Due to long and irregular sitting, uncomfortable shoes, diet and a number of other factors, it appears as one of the more acute pathologies.
In this three-day workshop, we will focus on carefully selected techniques of Thai yoga massage and principles from osteopathy to neutralize this problem. Using the basic principles, ease and wisdom of Thai massage, we will relieve the lower back of pressure, tension and eventual pain.
Through theoretical presentation and practical work, we will get closer to hard-to-reach muscles, digestive organs, joints and muscle adhesion, which often causes discomfort and pain.
So, we encounter not only the symptom but also the cause.This workshop is open to people who already have basic experience (completed basic Thai massage training or have experience working on the floor) such as shiatsu, yumeiho, physiotherapists, masseurs and people who are already engaged in some form of body work.
Next upcoming dates : TBA
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