Thai massage is an ancient healing art.
It is a communication through touch. The practice of Thai Massage originates back thousands of years in Buddhist temples.
Doctor Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, the Buddha’s physician over 2,500 years ago, is entitled as the founder of medicine and Thai massage.
Ancient documents praise him for his extraordinary medical skills, his knowledge of herbal medicine.
By massaging along the energy lines – Sen or Sib Sen – working on the physical body, tensions and blockages soften, resulting in better general health on the physical, emotional and mental level.
Thai massage has a holistic approach that sees and treats people as a whole, including the spiritual aspects of the self. It is a dialogue between two people and finally a communication to oneself. This way of working with the body creates an in-depth connection with the musculoskeletal system and creates space for deeper emotional and mental understanding.
Thai massage is practiced down to earth on a futon. The client wears comfortable loose clothes.
Basic Thai
Whether you're experienced or just beginning your journey into thai massage, we have a variety of courses for everyone.
Basic Thai I
In the first part of the Basic course we investigate the quality and different possibilities of touch. Gentleness and solidity of touch, combined with a meditative and emphatic intention create a heart opening environment for clear, unobstructed communication.
Basic Thai II
In the second modul of the Basic course our focus will be on combining already learnt techniques with new ones. Using static and dynamic techniques we will learn to create a flow unique for every body. Freeing the intuition and connecting from the heart will be a key element in this module of the training.
Advanced Thai
Whether you're experienced or just beginning your journey into thai massage, we have a variety of courses for everyone.
Dynamic Thai Massage
Dynamic Thai Massage is an inspiring way of cultivating and restoring mobility in the body through passive movement. Dynamic Thai Massage is based on gentle rocking, oscillatory and harmonic motions of different body parts to restore lost rhythm.
Thai Massage for Lower Back Condition
Lower back pain is one of the most common symptoms today. Due to long and irregular sitting, uncomfortable shoes, diet and a number of other factors, it appears as one of the more acute pathologies.
Clarity of Mind - Thai massage for head, neck, shoulder complex
To have a clear Vision we need to make the pathway between heart and mind clear. To do so we must release all the gates from head, neck and shoulders so the communication with the heart can be Seen.
Invocation to Touch
We will use different modalities to come In Touch with our own center and guidance through various disciplines such as meditation, yoga and chi gong, journaling, mindful listening, dance and creative voice expression and of course thai massage, craniosacral therapy and space holding practices.
Whether you're experienced or just beginning your journey into thai massage, we have a variety of courses for everyone.
Osteothai: Principles and General Overview
This dense and colorful course brings us into the Universe of Osteothai. We learn the Osteopathic Principles on which all the techniques used in Osteothai are based.
Osteothai for the Main Joints
Easing Joint Mobility of the Upper and Lower Limbs (ankle,knee, hip joint, shoulder, elbow and wrist). The joint system is often forgotten in Thai massage.
Osteothai for the Lower Back
Restoring lost rhythm and mobility in the lumbar spine.
Osteothai for the Breathing Process
Expansion & retraction motion for a better homeostasis.
Osteothai for the Internal Organs
Osteothai for the internal organs and their relations to the pelvic ball and spine disorders.
Frequently asked questions about Thai Massage
How can I schedule an Osteothai massage session?
You can schedule your treatment by filling the form on the Treatments page or write an email to
What can I expect at an Osteothai session?
A session of Osteothai is given fully clothed in light, comfortable clothes (yoga pants, leggings, jogging pants, clean t-shirt ). It is given traditionally on the floor on a futon in duration of 60 - 90 minutes. The masseur will use their hands, elbows, feet, knees on the acupressure points, applying passive stretching and working on different systems (musco-sceletal, fascial, visceral, craniosacral etc.).
After a session a feeling of deep relaxation and lightness is present in the body, mind and spirit.
What are the payment methods?
Bank transfer, Paypal and cash payments are possible. For details regarding your favourite way of payment, contact us directly by filling the form or writing an email to
Where are the workshops taking place?
Depending on the duration and topic, some courses will be held in a residential/retreat form at venues like:
Sunshine House - Greece
Ekodrom - Croatia
The Green House - Turkey
What can I expect at the workshops/courses?
In each worksop/course we aim to create a field of compassion, mutual respect and support. All workshops and courses are designed to uplift the connection to ourselves and to each other through meditation, yoga, chi gong, dance, mindfulness and other empowering practices. The biggest portion of time is naturally spent on understanding the principles and refining the touch to learn Thai massage and Osteothai.

Thai massage is a path, a way of life.
We are constantly on the move - see the scheduled workshops page and discover if any of the workshops are near you. See you soon.
See workshops